
Office of Special Services

  • The Clarksdale Municipal School District is committed to providing a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to students with disabilities, ages 3-21.  In order to meet the unique educational needs of these students, a range of placement and programming options are utilized through the district.

    To be eligible for special education services, a student must meet the eligibility criteria specified in the Mississippi State Policies Regarding Children with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)2004 (State Board Policy 74.19) and be in need of specialized instruction and/or related services.  The thirteen disability categories include:

    • Autism 
    • Deaf-Blind                                 
    • Developmental Delay 
    • Emotional Disability 
    • Hearing Impairment                 
    • Language/Speech Impairment 
    • Intellectual Disability
    • Orthopedic Impairment
    • Other Health Impairment
    • Specific Learning Disability
    • Traumatic Brain Injury
    • Visual Impairment
    • Multiple Disabilities



    The vision of the Clarksdale Municipal School District’s Office of Special Services is to create a supportive environment which prepares all students to progress successfully in school, work, and the community.



    Identify students with special needs prior to three years of age.

    Reinforce students’ strengths and target weaknesses by progress monitoring IEP goals with fidelity every 4.5 weeks.

    Motivate students to excel academically, socially, and behaviorally through individualized goal setting sessions during each 9 week grading period.

    Educate parents and make appropriate referrals to resources available to assist with transition opportunities.