Students who have a clever account should use it to access google classroom and other apps, if you are a students who can't access clever just yet, this video shows you another way using your google account.
Device Distribution Meeting Tuesday, August 17 · 5:00 – 6:00pm Google Meet joining info Video call link: Or dial: (US) +1 321-529-7533 PIN: 760 038 407#
Saturday school has been cancelled for February 13, 2021, and Monday, February 15, 2021, is a holiday. School will resume on Tuesday, February 16, 2021.
The mission of OIA is to be an education system of academic excellence for young adolescents which inspires student motivation through an integrated curriculum that develops the whole child anc enables all students to succeed as middle scholars and beyond.
All students are prepared and ready to achieve academic and social emotional success throughout middle school, high school, and beyond.